Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ocular Ophthalmic Migraine

One of the symptoms of ocular migraines can be temporary blindness or fuzzy blur in one eye, this will often be followed along by a headache, ordinarily ocular migraines do not involve headaches so if you experience headaches you are most likely experiencing an ocular ophthalmic migraine.

Generally suffering ocular migraines is not a very serious condition, the majority of sufferers will have a full recovery, permanent loss of vision is very rare. However ocular migraine can on occasion cause some retinal damage and the blood vessels thats supplies it. This risk is due to the fact that ocular migraines are caused by the reduction of blood into the blood vessels which supply the retina this is due to a restrictive tightening of the vessels.

A normal ocular migraine will last only a couple of minutes and regular vision should return after this. Some people are more susceptible to suffering Ocular migraines
- Men and Women under the age of Forty
- Women in general
- Anyone who’s family have a history of suffering headaches and migraines
- Anyone with a history of depression, epilepsy, sickle disease

One must remember that ocular migraines should not be mistaken with migraines with aura. When you have migraines with aura you will experience the problem in both eyes, however with ocular migraines you will notice the issue only occurs in one eye, and without headaches. Make sure to be as descriptive as possible to your doctor when reporting the problem to prevent misdiagnoses of the issue